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Pakistan dailys website hacked

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   4 Feb 2013 6:42 AM GMT
The website of a Pakistani daily, the News International, was hacked Monday, with the hackers claiming that they controlled the ".pk domains".

A message on the daily's website from "PAKbugs" read: "Here we go again, you think you control .pk domains? LOL you don't! today we are controlling .pk domains!
after you patched your ...system we still owned you it was perfect security, btw we dumped 23,000 Accounts information successfully, including government news blogs forums etc etc..."

The message signed off, saying "We Are: ZombiE_KsA, Z3r0Byt3, Xploiter, Dr.Freak
Greetz:, RiSky, Hij@cker, and all Pakbugs folks."