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Rs 50, 000 incentives for inter-caste marriages

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   13 Jan 2015 6:40 PM GMT
Rs 50, 000 incentives for inter-caste marriages
Caste continues to be the biggest factor in Bihar, more so in marriages.We heard about many killings which happened due to inter caste love affairs and marriages.

Now Bihar government came up with an ambitious initiative to encourage inter-caste marriages.The Bihar government has announced a cash reward of Rs 50,000 to couples opting for inter-caste marriage. The state government in order to encourage inter-caste marriage announced incentive of Rs 50,000.Government will deposit the amount on name of the bride after marriage.

However the couple will be eligible for the incentive only after they stay together for at least three years. The amount to be deposited in the bank can be withdrawn or with will of the both couple.In the event of break in relationship, the amount would be forfeited. Amid reports of honour killings in different parts of the country, the initiative of the Bihar government earning applauses from several people.