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TDP Leaders Domination over BJP

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   11 Aug 2014 9:23 AM GMT
TDP Leaders Domination over BJP
TRS thrashing PM Modi on granting powers to Governor on policing in Hyderabad is usually supposed to receive its counter attacks from BJP, in a surprise move TDP taking hard stand over this issue and attacking TRS harshly than BJP party.

On one side BJP leaders are responding smoothly over this issue but TDP leaders using their bigger voice in supporting Modi surprising everyone. TDP leaders who are trying to protect Modi and targeted TRS on its fascist comments on Modi. Other party leaders commenting on overreaction of TDP leaders as, TDP trying to tie up with BJP closely is not working out due to Modi untouchable behavior. It’s true that AP need emergency support from central government. But Modi and his team are in mood of considering all the states on equal priority. In the recent times PMO shown same priority for AP and TG had given some inconvenience to TDP leaders. To get more attention from Modi now there are trying to prove that they can be trusted alliance for BJP apart from its normal relationships.

The state bifurcation issue given much strength to PM Modi in view of support from TDP leaders when compare with his own party leaders.