Amidst speculations that actor Surya and his talented brother Karthi parting ways as the started living independently at separate places in Chennai, elder brother’s wife Jyothika clears the air.
“Post having our second child, I’ve developed knee pain and back ache. For that reason we moved out from our T-Nagar villa to a flat in Adyar. Also, our in-laws are living at a different place. But soon we are all going to live under same roof, as our new home is being built at rapid speed”, says Jyothika.
Surya and Karthi are said to be constructing a costly residence in Chennai, a palatial home, where the two doting brothers and their parents want to live together. So, time to end all the rumours!!!
“Post having our second child, I’ve developed knee pain and back ache. For that reason we moved out from our T-Nagar villa to a flat in Adyar. Also, our in-laws are living at a different place. But soon we are all going to live under same roof, as our new home is being built at rapid speed”, says Jyothika.
Surya and Karthi are said to be constructing a costly residence in Chennai, a palatial home, where the two doting brothers and their parents want to live together. So, time to end all the rumours!!!