Tollywood heroine Aarthi Agarwal, who decided to end her life long back, survived with the help of the family members. Once upon a time, Aarthi is a top actress in Tollywood. She even worked with Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna for few flicks. But now, this beauty is seen nowhere.
Few years back, buzz raised in the media that Aarthi is in relationship with Tarun. Later on, they had a breakup and Aarthi married another person who is stated to be a businessman. She started working for flicks even after marriage but her ventures didn’t turn up well. Now, she took a bold step of going for lip locks in her upcoming venture.
Generally, most of the heroines will put full stop to heroine roles soon after marriage. But, Aarthi Agarwal moved far ahead with lip lock after marriage. “Will this be a trend setting aspect or a troublesome one for Aarthi?” turned out to be the debate point. Majority of the analysts stated that this is a big bold step for Aarthi Agarwal.
Few years back, buzz raised in the media that Aarthi is in relationship with Tarun. Later on, they had a breakup and Aarthi married another person who is stated to be a businessman. She started working for flicks even after marriage but her ventures didn’t turn up well. Now, she took a bold step of going for lip locks in her upcoming venture.
Generally, most of the heroines will put full stop to heroine roles soon after marriage. But, Aarthi Agarwal moved far ahead with lip lock after marriage. “Will this be a trend setting aspect or a troublesome one for Aarthi?” turned out to be the debate point. Majority of the analysts stated that this is a big bold step for Aarthi Agarwal.