Cab Driver rapes 27-Year-Old Woman

Update: 2014-12-07 03:41 GMT
The rape of a 27-Year-Old Woman by a Cab Driver on Saturday night in the National Capital garnered Nation's attention.

Reportedly, The victim who works for a Finance Company in Gurgoan (Delhi) has attended a Dinner with a group of friends after completing her work at 7 pm. A friend of her dropped her till Vasant Vihar and she hired a cab from there to take her to Inderlok. She felt asleep on the way and the cab driver tried to take advantage of the situation.

When the victim woke up, She found herself in an isolated place with all the car door locked. She tried to raise an alarm but the driver overpowered her. He had beaten up her and committed the rape. Later, The victim was dropped at her home and threatened to kill her if she complains about the incident to anyone.

Before the Cab Driver could flee from the spot, The Victim clicked a photo of the Car's number plate and lodged a complaint. She was sent to medical examination and rape has been confirmed. Cases under sections 376 (rape), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of IPC have been registered against the accused. Cops were in search of the Cab Driver who has been absconding.

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