Long back in April, Pawan Kalyan raised his voice on issues in Andhra Pradesh and he has fallen silent till then. Nearly after two months now, he has spoken, opened his mouth on social networking site twitter.
“IF POLITICS IS ALL ABOUT SETTLING SCORES, then I wonder, if,the Late Nelson Mandela would have had the same attitude like some of our leaders then imagine what he could have done to the South African Apartheid Regime and the white people who tortured & humiliated him & the black people for decades. But as a Leader he has chosen a Path of Reconciliation to avoid a civil war and for the larger Good of the people”, tweeted Pawan Kalyan.
Seems like Pawan wants Andhra Pradesh CM Naidu and Telangana CM KCR to get their message.
“IF POLITICS IS ALL ABOUT SETTLING SCORES, then I wonder, if,the Late Nelson Mandela would have had the same attitude like some of our leaders then imagine what he could have done to the South African Apartheid Regime and the white people who tortured & humiliated him & the black people for decades. But as a Leader he has chosen a Path of Reconciliation to avoid a civil war and for the larger Good of the people”, tweeted Pawan Kalyan.
Seems like Pawan wants Andhra Pradesh CM Naidu and Telangana CM KCR to get their message.