Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma has joined hands with the Manchu family for his upcoming flick. The movie was launched recently with puja ceremony at the Shirdi Sai temple, Film Nagar, Hyderabad. While RGV himself is going to direct the film while the producer and other details are yet to be announced. Reportedly this is going to be a Rayalaseema faction based story.
Also, it is gossiped that RGV will give a biographic sketch of a late CM YSR and his son in this film. By adding fuel to gossips RGV’s confirmed saying in twitter
RGV tweets “Nenu mohan babu garu tho sarkar theesthunnanananna media varthalu shuddha abaddham…nenu theesedi rayala seema backdrop lo oka action film”.
Now the gossip mongers confirmed that this film will be based on YS.Rajashekar Reddy’s family. It also rounding that Mohan Babu will be seen in the role of former Chief Minister late YS .Rajashekar Reddy While Manchu Vishnu will be seen in YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s role and Vishnu’s sister Manchu Lakshmi will be seen as Jagan’s sister Sharmila.
Also, it is gossiped that RGV will give a biographic sketch of a late CM YSR and his son in this film. By adding fuel to gossips RGV’s confirmed saying in twitter
RGV tweets “Nenu mohan babu garu tho sarkar theesthunnanananna media varthalu shuddha abaddham…nenu theesedi rayala seema backdrop lo oka action film”.
Now the gossip mongers confirmed that this film will be based on YS.Rajashekar Reddy’s family. It also rounding that Mohan Babu will be seen in the role of former Chief Minister late YS .Rajashekar Reddy While Manchu Vishnu will be seen in YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s role and Vishnu’s sister Manchu Lakshmi will be seen as Jagan’s sister Sharmila.