A recent Star India online poll on 'Who are the Top 5 Tollywood Heroes?' gave a clarity on which actors in Telugu Film Industry are inching closer to the No.1 spot. While Pawan Kalyan emerged as an undisputed king, Mahesh, Charan and settled with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th positions. While NTR couldn't even find a place in the Top 5 list, Prabhas position at the 5th spot is an indication of his growing popularity in the recent past.
Here are the results of online poll conducted by Star India:
1. Pawan Kalyan
2. Mahesh Babu
3. Ram Charan
4. Allu Arjun
5. Prabhas
Notably, this poll isn't just for the year 2012 but to check the overall power gained by Tollywood demigods all these years. These results were an eye-opener for many heroes and their ardent fans.
Here are the results of online poll conducted by Star India:
1. Pawan Kalyan
2. Mahesh Babu
3. Ram Charan
4. Allu Arjun
5. Prabhas
Notably, this poll isn't just for the year 2012 but to check the overall power gained by Tollywood demigods all these years. These results were an eye-opener for many heroes and their ardent fans.