Manam cross $ 1.5 Million mark

Update: 2014-06-16 12:07 GMT
'Manam' dream run in USA continued in the 4th week as well. The film has recorded decent revenues on the last weekend to cross $ 1.5 Million mark in style.

Trade Pundits haven't been ruling out the chances of 'Manam' entering Rs 10 crore club in USA as of now. This could be possible if decent collections were registered in the next two weeks. Already, The film entered Rs 10 crore club in Nizam. If it reaches the target USA as well, It will be like icing on the cake.  

4th Week:

Friday: Fri $ 4,897

Saturday: $ 9,724

Sunday: $ 9,487.

Total USA Gross: $ 1,516,968 [Rs 9.11 cr].

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