MP caught red handed watching porn

Update: 2015-06-02 11:16 GMT
Don't worry..The incident was not happened in our Parliment. A Brazilian MP is caught watching porn on his phone during parliamentary debate. Not stopping with that he even shares it with his colleagues.

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As per media reports a Brazilian MP Joao Rodrigues viewed 'obscene' film during a debate on electoral reform in parliament sessions.The local media caught him red-handed and released the footage.

The footage shows Rodrigues, of the ruling Social Democratic Party in Brazil watching the porn clip on his mobile phone under his desk. He even shared it with other legislators when they approach his seat.

Later the MP took to his Facebook to explain his actions said he received the video through a group message on WhatsApp.Rodrigues said on Facebook that he received the video through a group conversation on WhatsApp and was on the verge of deleting it.

Few years back similar type of incident was happened in Karnataka assembly and some of the MLA’S from BJP caught red handed while watching sleazy video in Assembly.

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