Telugu girl Sridivya and talented heroine Nitya Menon have denied outright to play the role of stylish superstar Ajith's sister in the upcoming 56th flick of the star. Director Siva who has earlier made Veeram with Ajith has been screening many heroines since then for the role. Finally he found one.
Riding high on the success of Karthi’s “Komban”, heroine Lakshmi Menon agreed to play Ajith’s sister in the movie. She has many big ticket flicks under kitty but exuded confidence that playing a sister won’t malign her chances in industry.
Shruti Haasan is the heroine of this brother-sister sentiment film. As Lakshmi agreed to be part of the casting, shooting of this film might go floors very soon.
Riding high on the success of Karthi’s “Komban”, heroine Lakshmi Menon agreed to play Ajith’s sister in the movie. She has many big ticket flicks under kitty but exuded confidence that playing a sister won’t malign her chances in industry.
Shruti Haasan is the heroine of this brother-sister sentiment film. As Lakshmi agreed to be part of the casting, shooting of this film might go floors very soon.