After Nepal, Earthquake struck Andaman & Nicobar!

Update: 2015-05-01 12:30 GMT

An earthquake with magnitude of 5.1 on the Richter scale hit Andaman and Nicobar Islands on Friday afternoon at around 2.30 pm. However, No Tsunami warning has been issued till now.

Notably, Andaman and Nicobar Islands were located hundreds of miles east of Indian in the Indian Ocean. In 2004, A massive earthquake in the Indian Ocean resulted in a Tsunami that claimed the lives of over 228,000 people. About 3,500 people got killed in these Islands alone.

Back in 2012, Thousands of people were evacuated from the Islands after earthquakes struck Indonesia as there is a fear of Tsunami waves upto 3.9 metres high. The Tsunami warning was later cancelled as the nature has calmed down.

After the recent earthquake in Nepal that killed over 6,200 people, People were really scared of the natural disasters as the devastation they could cause is beyond anyone's expectations. The total damage of Nepal quake is said to be $2 billion.

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