Telangana chief minister KCR dream scheme FAST for Telangana students seems running into troubles. High court had warned ruling government and warned the scheme policies. It expressed the scheme is encouraging region feelings in South India. Even in previous arguments stage the court slammed ruling party on intention of introducing this scheme
With latest warning from high court the scheme implementation is ran into troubles. High Court sets next hearing in January last week. Many opposition parties and Andhra Pradesh government slammed KCR on introducing such biased scheme got strength with latest court orders. In recent time many times KCR getting setbacks from high court impacting his way of working.
With latest warning from high court the scheme implementation is ran into troubles. High Court sets next hearing in January last week. Many opposition parties and Andhra Pradesh government slammed KCR on introducing such biased scheme got strength with latest court orders. In recent time many times KCR getting setbacks from high court impacting his way of working.