I eat every Two Hours: Heroine
Charmee reveals she has worked so hard on her body since few months to shed down the extra flab. She has done everything, from aerobics, cardio and weight training. She used to follow a special diet during this period and eats something for every two hours. It was her mom who would be cooking her meals and sending to the sets. In two months, she lost 7 kgs by following a strict daily routine and wishes to shed few more kilos.
Woman Centric films and Item Numbers are the two areas which Charmee has been focussing in the past five years. She believes doing experimentation is key for her survival in the Industry for so long.
To make a name for herself down South, Charmee has learnt all the four Southern languages and could speak them fluently. What will be her next feat?
Woman Centric films and Item Numbers are the two areas which Charmee has been focussing in the past five years. She believes doing experimentation is key for her survival in the Industry for so long.
To make a name for herself down South, Charmee has learnt all the four Southern languages and could speak them fluently. What will be her next feat?