UK prime minister celebrating Diwali

Update: 2014-10-21 12:34 GMT
Diwali-the festival of lights is around the corner and everyone is eager to celebrate it in great manner.Not only Indians even foreigners also showing interest on the festival.

British Prime  Minister David Cameron is going to celebrate the festival at his home.Cameron has hosted the annual Diwali party at his official residence and extended  greetings to over 8,00,000 Hindus living in the UK.He thanked them for their contribution to the country.

“This festival of lights is an important time to celebrate our shared history and thank you all for all that you do for our country,” said Cameron.Last year also Cameron celebrated the festival along with his wife. He visited the Swaminarayan Mandir, the largest traditional Hindu temple outside India, in north-west London and celebrated Diwali.

Diwali celebrations have become an important event in the UK but this year they assume greater significance as the main political parties try to attract crucial British Asian voters who were significantly high in the region.

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