Known for his slim look, comedian Dhanraj became a busy actor now. Thanks to Jabardasth comedy show. Taking his career a step further, this comedian turned producer and now he talks about why he started investing in films.
“A film in the combination of my director Sai Atchyut was stalled recently. That led me to invest myself for the movie Dhanalakshmi Talupu Tadithey. Along with me, couple of friends from USA and Tummalapalli Satyanarayana have invested the money. We hope our investment will bear fruits”, said Dhanraj.
This slim comedian is celebrating his birthday on May 7th. Wish him luck.
“A film in the combination of my director Sai Atchyut was stalled recently. That led me to invest myself for the movie Dhanalakshmi Talupu Tadithey. Along with me, couple of friends from USA and Tummalapalli Satyanarayana have invested the money. We hope our investment will bear fruits”, said Dhanraj.
This slim comedian is celebrating his birthday on May 7th. Wish him luck.