Visuals : Canada Parliament attacked by terrorists

Update: 2014-10-23 07:15 GMT

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In an unexpected and shocking incident some unidentified persons have attacked Canadian parliament on Wednesday in Canada’s capital Ottawa.
The gunman  killed one soldier  in central Ottawa and the firing was happened just  beside the room where Prime Minister Stephen Harper was addressing his men.
The gunman in the parliament building was shot dead when he tried to enter to the room where Harper was addressing.As per the eye witness the gun man who had scarf over his face went on to attack the parliament building  and he engaged with 30 gunshots before he shot to dead.The gunman was believed to have hi-jacked a car and driven to Parliament Hall.
Minsutes after the incident happened Parliament was locked down and Prime Minister Stephen Harper had left the building safely with the help of police.
The killing of the Canadian soldier was the second this week. In the view of attack Canadian cities and towns hiked security around government buildings, schools and mass transit systems

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