Uyyala Jampala which released as a Christmas special is poised to collect Rs 10 plus crores at the ticket window. A large section of youth and family audience have been thronging theaters even in the second week as well. That's really a good sign for a low-budget flick.
Telugu audience haven't seen such a rustic love story in the recent past and even the entertainment quotient too helped this him hit a right chord with the audience.
Interestingly, Maa TV which acquired the satellite rights before the release have to pay some more money to the producers of Uyyala Jampala in the form of incentive as the film is turning out to be hit.
Generally, Incentive amount is mostly linked with certain share from Nizam area for most of the films. This applies for Uyyala Jampala and the soon-to-release biggie '1 - Nenokkadine'.
Nagarjuna will be now having a hearty laugh both as one of the director of Maa Network and producer of Uyyala Jampala. He would be making more money through TRPs and the incentive is a bonus.
Telugu audience haven't seen such a rustic love story in the recent past and even the entertainment quotient too helped this him hit a right chord with the audience.
Interestingly, Maa TV which acquired the satellite rights before the release have to pay some more money to the producers of Uyyala Jampala in the form of incentive as the film is turning out to be hit.
Generally, Incentive amount is mostly linked with certain share from Nizam area for most of the films. This applies for Uyyala Jampala and the soon-to-release biggie '1 - Nenokkadine'.
Nagarjuna will be now having a hearty laugh both as one of the director of Maa Network and producer of Uyyala Jampala. He would be making more money through TRPs and the incentive is a bonus.