Toshiba to set up Rs 180 crore unit in Hyderabad
Toshiba Corporation announced plans to invest $30 million at Toshiba Tramission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. in Hyderabad.
Katsutoshi Today, Chairman & Managing Director of the corporation’s Transmission & Distribution (T & D) vertical, declared a new line for large power transformers would come on line in 2015. The new transformer line would support production of 765 kv transformers with a capacity of 500 MVA.
Toshiba wishes to conquer 20% of Indian market by the year 2018. High Economic Growth and Long Term Capital Investment for infrastructure in areas like electricity and transportation has been recorded in India.
Even Indian Government is keen on increasing the number 765 kv sub-stations to increase the country's transmission capacity 5 times by 2017.