The film that marks the debut of aspiring mega hero Varun Tej has now its first ever show for audiences confirmed. Mega brother Nagababu’s son Varun Tej is debuting with Srikanth Addala directorial “Mukunda”, which also features Pooja Hegde, Prakash Raj and Rao Ramesh.
First show of Mukunda will be screened at Boleyn Cinema, East Ham, London exactly at 1 am on December 24th. Benefit shows in India will start at 4 am in Hyerabad on the very same day. So, mega fans in London are going to be the first ones to see Varun Tej on big screen for the first time. That’s the story.
First show of Mukunda will be screened at Boleyn Cinema, East Ham, London exactly at 1 am on December 24th. Benefit shows in India will start at 4 am in Hyerabad on the very same day. So, mega fans in London are going to be the first ones to see Varun Tej on big screen for the first time. That’s the story.