6 Waterways on Telangana Rivers

Update: 2015-06-02 14:56 GMT

NDA Government has come up with a proposal of developing 140 waterways in India. Out of them 6 waterways will cover the Telangana rivers.

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari declared NDA Cabinet cleared the proposal and the Bill will be passed in the next session of Parliament. "Waterways will be developed on Telangana rivers - Manjira, Tungabhadra, Bhima, Krishna/Godavari, Ponganga/Wardha and Wainganga/Pranahita," he adds.  

Gadkari is keen on establishing a Water Ports as well, just alike airports, railway stations and bus depots. He says transportation via waterways is just 30 paisa per km which is 4-5 times cheaper than the cost incurred by roads and railways.

While West Bengal gets 14 waterways (highest in the country), Uttar Pradesh received 9 waterways and Tamil Nadu gets 8 waterways

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