Flipkart delivery boy molests maid

Update: 2014-09-16 12:56 GMT
A maid in Banjara hills was allegedly molested by ‘Flip kart’ delivery boy. The employer of the maid Mili Srivastava,  was desperately trying in the last 24 hrs to get the attention of the company, but all her efforts went on vain
Mili Srivastava, a working woman questioned Flipkart management fuming over their irresponsible attitude.A case is also filed in Banjara Hills Police Station. The incident took place when Mili was not at home and the accused came over to make a delivery
Ms Srivastava facebook post reads,
“Another incident of molestation and violation of a woman's modesty goes unnoticed. My maid was molested by a #flipkart delivery boy on Saturday. 48 hrs since, despite all the calls and requests to the company no response, let alone action against the boy who came to my house to deliver the order. When will we have a safe India for women???? As we look for the answers as a nation, one will make sure this is not repeated and the #flipkart stands up to not only selling products but owning up to the incident. We are not mere customers buying your products but respectable human being who deserve to be treated with respect.”
“My domestic help had just gone to pick up the cash from table, when the delivery boy attacked her and tried to force himself on her. None from the Flipkart were responding to my calls except call centre executives. I will fight for the justice of my maid,” Mili Srivastava informed media.
Telugu states  recorded a 15.11% rise in crime against women last year with 25,998 cases registered in 2013, and rapes and molestation rising alarmingly. In the last two and half months, more than 100 cases have already been reported across police stations, which activists say are worrying statistics.Proper action should be taken on the culprit.

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